Monday, January 31, 2011

And this is why..., AG, are in the 93% for your weight:

For lunch you had...
-A whole grill cheese sandwich.
-A handful of goldfish crackers.
-An apple sauce cup which you inhaled.
-A second apple sauce cup because you needed more.

And then I opted to offer dessert because you were such a good eater and you requested "coo-coo" aka a cookie. And now as I type this you have polished off two Chips Ahoy cookies. Thankfully, these were the last two and I showed you the empty container as I threw it away. Of course you requested more but alas, we have no more and now your lunch is finished. Ha. Mind you this was after you had a large plate of strawberries for breakfast and french toast sticks. I'm grateful you have a hearty appetite and you are not a picky eater.

Love you big man!

Heaven help me when you are a teenager...


  1. AG's my little "Coo-Coo" Monster! :) When AG hits the teen years I'd say that your grocery bill will be comparable to that of a down payment on a Ford Focus. Love you, little man!!

  2. Yeah, but if he keeps eating like that he wont be able to fit in a Ford Focus!
