Friday, July 1, 2011

'AG Hold...'

This morning AG you asked to hold Avi-Kate ('AG Hold! AG Hold! AG Hold!')...I happily handed her over to you and y'all watched Disney Junior together.

You kept talking to her and patting her belly. While you were talking you kept saying, 'Hey Sis!' over and over again. 

You then got down and Avi-Kate stayed propped up on a quickly returned and said, 'Hey Sis! Look staw-bear-ees!' and you proceeded to show her how to eat one of your favorite fruits. 

Afterwards, you crawled back up and snuggled next to her to watch the Imagination Movers. AG--already you are an incredibly sweet and protective big brother. Avi-Kate is so lucky to have you to look out for her.

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