In one of my favorite children's books (Agatha's Featherbed) there is a line..."Everything comes from something. Nothing comes from nothing..."
In three short months we'll be here...picking up a warm beverage as we traipse about with the kids in tow around Colonial Williamsburg. I'm beyond excited. This is a picture of Charlton's Coffee House. I took it last August when we were there. To the average person this looks like a simple building. However, to me this is no simple building. When I was little we started making trips to Williamsburg. Somewhere between the end of Elementary School and Middle School the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation started excavating on this site. This was probably close to 15 years ago. Slowly but surely they completed the task before them and decided to rebuild the structure. Last summer they were in the process of finishing the building. It opened a few months later in November. I can't wait to go inside it. I've watched this building develop for over half my life. Everything comes from something. Nothing comes from nothing. Anyways. There is something wonderful about a hot beverage on a crisp fall day in Williamsburg...ah, is it time to leave?