...not because I don't think we can handle this. The reality is that I know we can handle this...God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I'm struggling because there is so little known about this condition and no two cases are exactly a like. Even within families that have two kids that have it one can have the same exact episode every single time while the other's episodes are always different and get progressively more severe.
So, it's a huge puzzle that we have to research, research, research and then began to sift thru the information to see where AG is. It's also hard because of AG's age he can't communicate his symptoms/how he is feeling the way an 8 year old can.
His sleeping this week has been out of whack this week so now I'm wondering if that is a warning sign for us...sleep can be a factor in an episode happening. Processing lots. Reading anything I can. I have notes scribbled on several post-its. The reality is I need to get a spiral nb to take notes in and "work out" what happens in AG's episodes to compare with my notes. I just haven't been able to get out the house to acquire said nb. Till then the jumbo post-its will have to do.
Today I read about a child that missed 24 days of school last year due to this condition. The thought dawned on me that I'm glad we were already serious about putting our kids in private school. If this continues to affect AG that will be something we have to deal with. As a former teacher, who has spent time in both public and private classrooms, I know that a private school will be a better fit for something like this. Right now I'm praying that we can get a firm grasp on what triggers him and what his warning signs are before he starts preschool in January.
It's late. This is jumbled. It's been one of those days. I'm off to bed...
My Homemade 2023-2024 Academic Planner (Free PDFs!)
Hello my fiends, and long no time see! I hope you've all had a good year so
far. I can't believe how time just got away from me this year and my poor
1 year ago