Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Biting Beaver lives...

When I look back on my childhood I think about different words to describe my sisters and I over the years. Growing up I would describe Meg as scrappy. Simply put she was. Partially because she was sandwiched in between the rest of us and partially because she was petite and had something to prove. Scrappy. That was Meg growing up. (She still is scrappy when she needs to be but there are a plethora of other adjectives to describe Meg now.) Love you sis!

Anyways, one day David and I were playing a game upstairs in Meg and Caro's room. Why we were in their room I can't remember but I remember being on the floor playing for whatever reason. Meg wanted to play and we didn't want her to join in. Well Meg didn't want to be excluded and so she took matters into her own hands or jaw rather. She proceeded to bite not only me but David as well. She of course was punished for this and we were scolded for excluding her. Afterwards, David goes, "she's like a biting beaver!" Ha. Somehow that nickname stuck and anytime Meg bit someone there after we called her the biting beaver. Remember she was scrappy and had two big sisters and a little sister to compete with. So we can't say she was entirely responsible for that nickname...we didn't always make it easy on Meg growing up.

Well the point of me sharing that story was that last night I was holding AG and he had his head resting on my shoulder...he then proceeded to put his mouth on my shoulder. Now in months past that didn't hurt because he had no teeth. However, he has cut 5 teeth to date and so last night he "bit" me on accident. Shocked, I yelped in pain because it caught me off guard. I then responded with a firm "no" the combination of the two made AG burst out into tears. So we have a new beaver in the family...add that to the list of daily life lessons AG is currently learning. :)

Meg--I love you sweet sis! Hope you don't mind me sharing your little story on the family blog.

Teeth Check:
-Bottom 2 incisors came in August
-Top 2 incisors arrived last week
-3rd incisor on the top arrived today
-At the moment I can't see any others so hopefully we have a few weeks to recover and gear up for the next round because these last few weeks have been rough with the top three.
Two of my favorite beavers...

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