Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The piece of baby equipment...

...I didn't know I needed till I used it. A bean bag chair + plus lots of fun toys= One very HAPPY 6 month old. Avi-Cakes favorite place to sit these days is the bean bag chair because she can wiggle and move and play with her toys. I love it because the bulk of our house is hardwoods/tile and those things don't mix well with a baby learning to sit independently. And she likes to be independent! ( I guess it's the red head in her.) So, when she gets tired and throws herself back she lands in the bean bag. It's amazing really. I wish we had done it with AG. Speaking of him most days he is a fabulous sharer but there are moments, few and far between, when he needs to sit in the bean bag. I kindly remind him that it's not his it belongs to the family although he did use it before she was born but let's not slice hairs shall we. Anyways, Santa being the fabulous bargain shopper that he is actually bought this red cover on clearance when AG was born along with a jumbo sized one in black gingham. Conveniently, Santa is bringing the black bean bag chair this year. And he got a fabulous price for the insert a few weeks ago. So, all will be right in the world this time next week because both red headed children will have bags to sit in and enjoy. Here is Avi-Kate enjoying the bean bag from two separate mornings: 

Sweet big brother! Funny story, one day last week AG insisted that he needed the bean bag chair but Avi-Kate was in it...he decided the best way to get in it would be to flying squirrel leap and land on his sister. Andy came home from work and asked where the big red knot on Avi-Cakes forhead came from...I told him to ask AG. Never a dull moment!

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