So I wanted to start off this post with a short video of AG crawling...thanks to my iPhone. Aunt Joy in TX requested pictures and I thought pictures didn't do it justice. So Aunt Joy this video is especially for you. :)
Well the last two weeks have been busy, busy. We spent part of Labor Day weekend in the mountains with family and
Laura joined the fun. We were glad to have her join us and look forward to her coming back up in the future. While there AG figured out he could sit himself up and we awoke in the middle of the night to him talking and sitting up in his crib. Two days later he figured out he could pull himself up in his crib and talk to his room. Three days after that he crawled for the first time while Aunts Meg and Caroline watched on the floor. We all started cheering and he got startled, sat up, and looked around at us confused. It was a great pregame show to the UGA game. AG looked handsome in his "game day polo".
Meghan came up to visit for the weekend and we enjoyed having her spend the weekend in Rome with us. Bear and Murphy came along to entertain was a full house. AG was quite curious about Bear and Murph since they are so much smaller than Samson. We look forward to having them up again, soon, we hope!
Yesterday, the electricians finally came and finished their work on the house! Praise the Lord! We now have recessed lighting in the den and living rooms...we can actually see what's going on. It amazes me how something so simple can completely change a room. Afterwards, Andy and I kept saying how we didn't know why any of the previous owners hadn't done it sooner. (Or why it wasn't put in when the addition was added in the late '80s.) Both rooms look completely different! Speaking of remodeling/projects the only thing left to do in the kitchen is put up the backsplash. We decided to use tin ceiling tiles and they came in last week. We just need an afternoon to do this project along with a few paint touch ups. I'm waiting to post a huge slideshow on the house till it is all done. So stay tuned or check out the facebook albums dedicated to the house.
In other news AG will be 8 months old on Friday. Wow. Time is just going to go by faster as the holidays approach. I have an idea for this month's rocking chair pictures...I hope they turn out the way I have them pictured in my mind. Stay tuned for that. Next month's pictures should be perfect because the leaves should be in full color on campus. I can't wait. I LOVE this time of year at Berry. The color of the leaves coupled with the beauty of the campus is breathtaking. It truly is unique. We are also going to take family pictures in the leaves with our photographer
Carrie Jo in a few weeks. October is already shaping up to be a busy month. In addition AG will have his next laser treatment on his arm October 29th. We are going to also do his tear duct probing at this time. Kill two birds with one stone. It's easier for him and for us this way.
Life never stops but we are loving this new season with AG learning how to move. He's already pushing to pull up and move around we'll see how long it takes him to figure out how to walk. We also are getting a little less sleep these days due to AG's top two teeth coming in. I hope they come in soon because I need a reprieve before the next wave! Ha. Hope everyone is having a great week...if you are coming to Mountain Day we look forward to seeing you in a little over two weeks!
Here's a few snapshots of what AG has been up to...