Monday, July 25, 2011

How to quit your paci...

AG's last picture with his paci...two days before it left us for good.
(And yes, that would be AG playing games on Andy's phone in our bed at the beach house. It's crazy how well he operates that phone already.)

We returned from the beach on Saturday the 16th. It was a long day...when is driving with two small children not tiring not to mention that one of them is only weeks old. Anyways, the next day we stayed home from church to catch up on sleep and regroup. That afternoon Andy was in the living room watching the Women's World Cup, AG was watching soccer and running around, and I was nursing the piglet AKA Avi-Kate. (More on her nursing habits in another post.) Well, I was nursing on our bed and at one point AG came in and was entertaining himself in our bathroom. I then heard the toilet flush and he came running out of the bathroom telling me, "bye, bye paci! Flush it." I yelled for Andy and we got the whole story. AG, being the critical thinker that he is, decided to try his own science experiment! Yep, he flushed it. Andy was like well this could be good and bad. Good being that we now have a legitimate excuse why AG can't have it that he, being the thinker that he is, can recall and learn from. Bad because he could mess up the toilet/plumbing!

Well, it's been over a week and the paci is still gone, the toilet still flushes, and AG gets quite animated when retelling the story of his paci to anyone that asks. There are even hand motions as he shows how the water swirls around in the bowl! 

Andy and I laugh because AG didn't realize what he was doing would be permanent. And it made it quite easy for us! Honestly, it was probably best because AG is very literal and is great at recalling past experiences or things that have been said. So, anytime he inquires about it we ask him what happened to it and that's all we have to say. The first few nights were a little rough and the morning after it happened I found him with a spoon in the other bathroom trying to find it!

Thankfully, he has no interest in Avi-Kate's pacis. (When we bought her pacis we made sure that we got pink and purple ones since AG's were blue and green. ) So we are down to one child with a paci, again. My three goals for AG this year were to drop the paci, move to a big boy bed, and potty train before preschool. So far, he's been in a big boy bed since March, paci free for a week, and peeing/pooping on the potty when he wants. Now all we need to do is make the last one permanent. I've kind of been waiting till after he adjusted to the new baby and so I can get adjusted to life with two. Two out of three before the end of July ain't bad if I do say so myself. :)

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