Monday, October 17, 2011

And we are falling a part...

...sort of. Give us a few days and we'll be on the mend.

I suspect he has a sinus infection but he's yet to deem it bad enough to go to the doctor...we'll see.

I ended up catching pink eye in a round about way on Saturday...I woke up this morning and was frustrated because I had to not only spend the afternoon at the pediatrician but now take myself to the doctor with two small kids. While at the doctor, for the pink eye, they also diagnosed me with a sinus infection. The pharmacy was out of the eye drops so I get to pick them up tomorrow. So, I'm keeping my hands from rubbing my eyes by typing this post.

Complained of feeling sick and needing to vomit last night. I dosed him with Zofran and he passed out. I called Dr. Saripkin and talked with his nurse. She said she'd talk with him and get back with me what he wants to do. I'm still waiting to hear where we go from here.

Well, she's had diarrhea (which has also led to a horrible diaper rash!) and excessive spit-up for the last two days. I suspected she might have a little GI bug. So, today I mentioned it while at the pediatrician. While doing her examination she asked if she had been drooling excessively the last few days too. Yep, but she's four months old...she's not teething! Wrong. My four month old doesn't have a GI bug because she's cutting teeth. Seriously?! And not just the normal baby's first teeth like the bottom front two or top two, rather, she's cutting her lower incisors?! I guess the ironic thing is over the weekend I noticed the two little white tooth buds when she was smiling but I convinced my self that it was silly to think she was cutting incisors this early. Oh, little girl! You are a mess and clearly have your own way of doing things already. :) And while we are at it you were 15lbs 14.2oz, 25inches long, and 42cm head circumference. You are also spinning around/scooting around on your tummy and you are close to rolling over. I can't believe how quickly you are growing up!

So, give us a few days and we'll be better...

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