Sunday, October 16, 2011


...I'll be making a phone call Monday to Dr. Saripkin. Yep, we had a minor CVS episode this evening.

From my research I really do think that sleep happens to be one of AG's triggers. Particularly, being woken up. In some cases when a person with CVS is woken up before their body is ready they can have an episode. The last three episodes have come after being woken up from his nap. This afternoon he went down a little late for his nap but not out of the ordinary. He was asleep by 3:30 and he normally goes to sleep at 3. Well, at 6:30 he was still out cold. Our neighbors up the street called and invited us to come join them for dinner at the last minute. In my gut I felt like I should have let him sleep but I really wanted to get out of the house for a little bit after this long week. Clearly, I should have gone with my gut. Well, I finally roused him and he just laid in his bed. And then he wanted to be held. His cheeks were flushed and he was very lethargic.  When I finally got him out of the bed I had to carry him to the den to get him dressed. When I put him down he immediately laid down on the carpet. We made it up the street and he didn't want to be there. He kept asking to go to AG's house. I sat down and was holding him at the kitchen table when he got sick. After he threw up we put him in the tub and afterwards he felt fine. For some reason I grabbed a pair of sweats on our way out the door so he had something clean to wear after we bathed him.

Now, for the moment I'm calling it a minor episode...he could wake up tonight and keep vomiting. But at the moment he threw up and then was fine. Not as long as his previous episodes/same intensity BUT the signs were all there and his behavior followed a pattern. Afterwards, Andy calculated how many days we went in between episodes...45days or a little over 6 weeks.

In addition we have to see the pediatrician on Monday for Avi-Kate's check-up. I look forward to chatting with her about all of this when we go. I'm off to go log all of the details so that we can begin to keep a record of everything. I'm curious to hear what Dr. Saripkin says and how he wants to proceed. If sleep is a trigger I'm curious as to how that is going to work with school and having to be up at a certain time/nap time.

I'm off to bed. Today has been a long addition Avi-Kate has had a little GI bug. Never a dull moment around here...

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