Thursday, September 30, 2010

New faces and family pictures...

Here's our family picture from May. 

Here's our newest one with lots of new faces. 
(I'm sure the new faces were like why in the world are we doing this?! And what have we gotten ourselves into?!)

So, we take family pictures. I find them humorous. Dave started this tradition last year by sitting in the big leather chair and pretending to read a story to everyone at Christmas. I am not sure if it was the humor in the moment (Dave reading in a thick Russian accent) or having a picture of the whole group goofing off but either way a tradition was started. So, while not everyone can make it month to month we still try and snap one. This month we had several faces missing but not to worry...October Family Dinner will be here before we know it. Pumpkin carving, anyone? And Dave, I hope you have plans to read a Russian Christmas story once again this year...

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