Monday, February 7, 2011

AG's not a fan...

...of his parents having Jury Duty.

In August, I had Jury Duty for the first time and was selected to serve. The night before I reported we were up all night dealing with AG being "sick" which eventually we determined was not a 24 hour bug but a parasite. So, I had no sleep and drank a Coke for breakfast which is something I NEVER do first thing in the morning.

Well, today, Andy is at the courthouse for Jury Duty. Apparently, AG got the memo. Last night he was up on and off for two hours crying. Since Andy had to be somewhere I tried to handle it but Avi-Kate thought she needed in on the action. I had gone to bed nauseated and when AG woke up I was still nauseated. All night nausea and a crying toddler...does it get any better? Ha. Andy helped me out...for which I'm very grateful. When he finally settled down sometime around 4 AM I thanked the Lord that this time at least didn't involve a parasite and I was grateful for both of my children. I then passed out till Andy kissed me good-bye this morning. Thankfully, AG's still snoozing and I'm going to let him sleep as long as he wants this morning. He needs it after last night and staying up late all weekend with family. We are taking it easy today around the house and I'm going to try and get some cleaning done.

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