Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Den Updates...

If you know me in real life you probably know that my favorite color is red. Love, love, love me some red. My grandmother that passed away last fall was the same way and she always wore something red everyday. She always said it was her 'signature color' and I guess I've made it mine as well over the years. Anyways, I've wanted a slipcovered sofa from Pottery Barn since we got married. However, it was not really in the budget then. We've been slowly saving and waiting for the right time. This summer we paid cash for my new RED sofa. We even decided to bump it to a sleeper sofa so that we have an extra bed when needed. Since sofas are custom orders we had to wait for it to be made in North Carolina before it was shipped south. Then of course they called to set up delivery for the week we were on vacation. (Timing is everything, right?!) Anyways, we arrived home on Saturday and the old sofa was gone. We told the college students that were house sitting to go ahead and take it while they were here. AG was perplexed about the sofa being gone at first. On Monday, the new sofa arrived from ATL. It is fabulous! Really. I absolutely adore it. It's been fun watching Olympics on it every night. 

Anyways, here are some pictures of the den at the moment...
 AG testing out the sleeper sofa. He makes us laugh. 
 AKs dazed and confused about having a new couch. 

 I'm in the process of changing out my throw pillows. The frame pillow is new and I'm thinking of putting a monogram on it. I need to find a cover for the other two pillows. In addition, I really need to decide on fabric for the chair so that I can get that project started. I'll be glad once it has been recovered.

As for the play area it got a much needed deep cleaning/organizing on Sunday. I keep a huge chunk of our toys in the attic and we rotate them around to help minimize the chaos. I was love how neat things are after we've rotated toys. I'm planning to do a fall bulletin board for the kids and it's currently on my 'To Do List' along with several other learning at home projects for this upcoming year. Hopefully, I'll get it up in the next week or so now that I have more time to work on stuff with AG in school 5 days a week.

I love this little shelf. It's slated for a paint makeover...eventually. One day. It's the perfect height/size to store our ever growing collection of Melissa and Doug toys.

Once I get the chair done I'll do a whole before/after post with pictures from all angles. I also need to brainstorm what I'm going to display in the window for the fall. I love that window ledge above the sofa because it's like a gigantic mantle. The possibilities are really endless. There you have it...organized play space for the kids and a new sofa. On to the next project. :)

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