Monday, August 20, 2012


...peeved. Take your pick.

Blogger is currently not cooperating with me and I'm slightly frustrated. I have several posts that have corresponding pictures that I can't seem to get Blogger to let me put the pictures on. (Long story.) Anyways, Andy is trying to work it out. Hopefully, I'll get that resolved this week and normal posting will resume. I hate being behind. Oh, goes on.

Lots going on this week around dates, chats on the porch, school/activities for the kids, traveling for Andy, Ladies Craft Night, students return in full force this week, lots of organizing, Family Dinner returns for the year on Sunday, etc. I have a bunch of church stuff that also needs attention this week that I need to spend some time on.  So, like I said busy, if Blogger would just get it together so I can get what I need done. :)

And can I just say how glad I am that the weather is really starting to cool off?! Makes me ready for football...thankfully, we only have to wait a little less than two weeks for college football to kick off!

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