Monday, January 3, 2011


So, I'm not one for resolutions I prefer to set goals. And I'm one of those people that will continue something until I can check it off my list. Yes, I enjoy making lists and checking things off as I go. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment when I can check each box off my list. (And yes, when I make a list I create a box next to each item so that I may check it off when finished. If you are chuckling by now just blame it on my degree in Early Childhood Education and the need for order/organization! Ha.)

Anyways, lately I have struggled with being orderly/organized and it's driving me bananas. This is mainly due to the fact that I'm nauseated most days and trying to keep up with a very inquisitive toddler who is growing like a weed. (And will be two in two weeks!) This last year one of my goals was to purge as much stuff from our house and set up a "home management" system if you will. (In my teacher days this would be known as a Classroom Management Plan. In reality home management and classroom management overlap in so many ways...but that would be a great post for another day.) Well, I started purging and I did set up a management plan. However, I had planned to finish the mass cleaning/purging this fall but that plan was altered in early October when I found out I was pregnant. I figured that surely once I got past the first trimester that my daily nausea would subside, however, here I am 17 weeks pregnant and still dealing with it. In dealing with my nausea I've opted to look on the positive that if anything it's a daily reminder that God has created this little life. With AG I was in a constant state of heartburn and sciatica...this go round it's nausea! Either way I'm grateful for all that I'm learning and that God has blessed us with this child.

So, I'm struggling because there is so much that I need and want to do but can't do because I just don't feel good. Not to mention the reality is setting in that before I know if I'll have two kids to manage...the pressure to finish what I've started is on. Let's face it if I don't get the bulk of it tackled now it may not happen for awhile once Avi-Kate arrives. I'm not one for excuses. Like I said I make a list I check things's how I'm wired. I'm learning a lot right now about having to be okay with things not being the way I would love for them to be. My father always told me to do my best and it'll be enough. Well, at the moment my best while pregnant is not up to my best when not pregnant standards. And that's okay. It's humbling. But my dad was is enough. The floors get cleaned, clothes get washed, Samson gets fed, AG is cared for, etc. It may not be perfect or how I would have done it 6 months ago but it's enough.

For 2011 I'm finishing up and tweaking some things I started last year:
-Finish cleaning/purging before Avi-Kate arrives in June.
-Finish up blogging about 56 new meals that I've made.
-Finish tweaking my management plan (post on that coming soon...)

New goals/projects:
-Keep up with my couponing/stockpiling habits AND have a nice stash built for this summer when we go from a family of 3 to less thing we have to keep up with for a few weeks. This includes prepping a stash of meals for the freezer.
-Read at least 6 novels and 6 political/opinion pieces of choice...I did this last year and enjoyed it.
-Plan a long weekend with Andy to celebrate our 5 year anniversary this spring.
-Decide what to do about which room is AG's and which is Avi-Kate's and then complete that task.
-Late spring pull out all the newborn baby gear that we have stored in the attic.
-Order our Maclaren double stroller...I refuse to go back to a large travel system after the ease of my single Maclaren! I could do a whole post on why I love it over my Graco travel system.
-Order Britax carseat for Avi-Kate.
-Clean out/organize the chaos that is the laundry/mudroom catchall.

I'm sure there is more to add to that list but at the moment that's what my pregnant brain remembers of my mental list!

Ooops...guess I need to add "get the blog caught up on the backlog of December photos" as a goal! Ha. :o)

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