Thursday, March 24, 2011

What do you get...

...when you combine the Imagination Movers and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?

AG's favorite new phrase, "Think Big! Hot Dog! Have Fun!" Complete with hand motions that get get higher with each phrase and with more excitement/emphasis in his voice. He usually breaks this out when he's excited about something. I'm sure we'll hear it several times while we are Disney. I need to get Andy to record it on his iPhone 4...add that to the To Do list.

I laugh every time he does this which happens to be on a daily basis. It always makes me chuckle. Think big and have fun both come from Imagination Movers and the hot dog comes from Mickey Mouse...for those that are not versed in Disney Junior shows. :) Both of which are a common occurrence around here on a daily basis.

So, here's to thinking big, hot dogs, and having fun in the days to come!

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